The Marketplace Is Proud To Partner With RCB & Associates, LLC!
Our team here at RCB & Associates was pretty excited to get this letter!
We've been busy year helping clients with their insurance needs during COVID and all of the changes 2020 has given us. We are here to help our Michiganders with their health, life, Medicare, and related insurance needs. Click here to see our offerings and give us a call at 616-233-9050.
You’ve just joined a very exclusive group! Members of the Marketplace Elite Circle of Champions are some of the top performing Marketplace agents and brokers.
We are continually impressed by the dedication and commitment you show to consumers. This is part of why the Centers for Medicaid & Medicare Services (CMS) seeks to constantly improve the Marketplace and increase the ways we support your important work.
Thank you for the trusted advice you provide to consumers enrolling in coverage, along with the ongoing support and assistance as they navigate their new health insurance plans throughout the year.
Randy P., Director
Center for Consumer Information & Insurance Oversight
Deputy Administrator, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.